Tools & Resources
This is a list of tools & resources that I've gathered from the Colosseum newsletter.

Step Finance Self-Serve Dashboard provides developers easier access to its Solana Data API, giving developers wallet positions, historical transactions, and DeFi/NFT data, with Starter and Team plans to better serve both independent developers and enterprise projects.
simple-program-monitoring shows how to track various aspects such as instruction calls, global state accounts, TVL, fees, new account creations, and events using a monitoring script with Anchor that polls a specific account every 60 seconds.
Jupiverse Kit is an open-source React components library powered by Jupiter’s APIs that simplifies building onchain Solana apps through unified wallet connections, customizable swap components, and streamlined developer tooling.
Bokken is an emulated Solana environment that allows developers to write integration tests in JS/TS that instantly confirm transactions for simultaneous testing of both program and front-end code.
ORAO Solana VRF with Callback provides on-chain randomness that enables secure callbacks for program interactions to power features like random NFT attributes, game levels, airdrops, and lotteries.
template-nuxt-anchor-basic is a Nuxt and Anchor template for full stack Solana projects using Nuxt/Vue instead of NextJS.
Feed Wallet is a biometric-secured, drain-proof crypto gateway that removes seed-phrase complexity, integrates AI transaction guards, and uses a relayer model to offer a secure and user-friendly entry point into Web3.
solders.litesvm is the Python wrapper for LiteSVM, a fast and lightweight library for testing Solana programs.
Solana Agent Kit is an open-source toolkit for connecting AI agents to Solana protocols to trade and launch tokens, send compressed airdrops, execute blinks, and more.
Solana Summarizer is a Python script that crawls top Solana blogs, docs, and GitHub repos to produce a flat file that could be used to create a Solana-smart LLM. is an Anchor interface for address lookup tables.
Azura, Azura app, Thunder Terminal app

PSA for all AI hackers this weekend:
— swen (@swen_sjn) December 14, 2024
We curated a shortlist of zk compression resources
to create Solana tokens and data at near-zero cost
Your AI Agents will like this:
— Airdrop SDK by @heliuslabs (
— NFT SDK by @sol_idity…
anchor-escrow-2025 is an Anchor example of a Solana Escrow program.
super-smart-contracts provides a simple example of a Super Smart Contract using OpenAI API to respond to queries that can interact with users, learn from them, and adapt to their needs.
solana-test-validator is a Docker image for the Solana Test Validator built each night for linux/amd64 as well as linux/arm64 platform with nightly builds from the latest version of Agave client.
idl-program is an IDL solution for native Solana programs that leverages a metadata program instead of requiring an empty Anchor program. This approach supports compressed JSON or URL-based storage.
blinks-react-native is a React Native SDK for rendering blinks for Solana Actions on mobile dApps.
anchor-docker provides a Solana development environment, pre-installed with the Solana CLI, Anchor, Rust, Node.js, and other essential tools.
Poseidon Examples are vote, vault, escrow, and favorites programs in both TypeScript and the corresponding Rust programs transpiled by Poseidon.
Carbon Pipeline Example demonstrates how to use a Helius geyser-enhanced websocket that processes Solana transactions using the Pumpfun decoder.
Plasma is a reference implementation of a sandwich-resistant AMM for Solana
PumpfunTradingApp is a sample Solana MAUI app built with C# and Solnet that searches for a pumpfun token and lets you buy & sell it instantly.
sologger is a group of libraries and binaries that can be used to parse raw logs emitted from a Solana RPC into structured logs and transport Solana logs to either a LogStash or OpenTelemetry endpoint via TCP.
Carbon is a lightweight indexing framework on Solana that provides a modular pipeline for sourcing data, decoding updates, and processing them in order to build end-to-end indexers.
example-jupiter-swap-node is an example of a Jupiter Swap with Compressed Tokens that enables a single swap transaction that includes additional instructions for creating, decompressing, and closing the input token account.
release-program an example GitHub action that lets you build and deploy with solana-verify, and deploys with Squads when a program is tagged. is a script to verify all of your Anchor programs with OtterSec at once.
evm-sol-wa is a secure bridge enabling EVM wallet holders to control Solana accounts through message signing, providing seamless cross-chain wallet management capabilities.
voting_optimized is an optimized version of an anchor-vote program that reduced Compute Unit (CU) consumption from 3461 to just 60, a more than 98% improvement.
awesome-trident-tests is a collection of Trident Fuzzing tests including links to guides and more.
Solana AMM SDK is a simple SDK for market making on Solana that allows anyone to swap any token on any dex, spam makers, or generate volume in 3 lines of code.
Solana Developer Toolkit is a guide to using Secret Network's Solana Toolkit to design dApps with confidential computing on Solana.
developer-bootcamp-2024 is the repo for the full Solana Developer Bootcamp with the full course material, code examples, and other resources for the course.
Squads Protocol v4 is the now fully open-sourced code for Squads v4 with a Typescript SDK to interact with the v4 program and a Rust crate to interact with the v4 program in Solana programs as well as Rust client applications.
jup-payments-web3js2 is a simple example of Jupiter's Payments API using web3js 2.0.
solana_secp256k1_example is a tutorial to use secp256k1 to create and verify digital signatures with Solana.
Our-GTM-Playbook is an example go-to-market strategy for builders of developer tools used by Built for Devs to grow their own product.
cosmwasm-counter gives an example of a user-specific counter smart contract in CosmWasm and the equivalent logic as a Solana Program. The README includes an in-depth comparison of core concepts for development
docs-blinks-actions is a comprehensive guide to creating Blinks on Solana, including basic setup, creating a simple Blink, and handling various use cases, with Resources, Starter templates, and Youtube videos for further learning.
zest is a code coverage CLI tool for Solana programs written in Rust, with tests also written in Rust.
photon is the core indexer for ZK Compression on Solana. It offers rapid indexing capabilities, snapshot support, and flexible database options to cater to local and production deployments.
limestone enables the creation short-lived PDA signers used to create accounts which can be "safely" closed since the same account address (PDA signer) cannot be recreated after a time period, measured in terms of slots.
LOOK is a REST API that helps developers reduce the size of their transactions by discovering existing lookup tables that can be used to serialize a versioned transaction.
anchor-devcontainer is a Codespaces template for Solana development using Anchor.
solana-nostd-secp256k1-recover is a more efficient implementation of Secp256k1 Recover for SVM.
AirShip by Helius is an open-source tool designed to simplify and lower the cost of Solana token airdrops with a web version for airdrops with up to 200,000 recipients, and a CLI version for larger distributions.
Steel is a new framework for building smart contracts on Solana with a library of helper functions, macros, and code patterns for implementing secure and maintainable smart contracts.
vulacana lets you send the same RPC request to multiple providers and let the validators determine which one arrives first.
push-comm-rust is a Rust implementation of the Push Protocol Communicator contract for Solana.